AZENSION is  a registered non-profit, since January 25, 2021, in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Our mission is to cultivate opportunities that empower our communities through spiritual and intellectual awareness in Ohio specifically the Greater Cleveland area

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to learn more about us and who we are or what we do please contact us.  


Here at AZENSION we have work best through simple inspiration.  Inspiring our communities through results that can be easily seen.  When you can point to something and show the quality of your work, no one can deny the existence of it.  And thus, an entire group can be inspired just by you and create something larger in and of itself.  


We struggle and strive to maintain a culture that is not only kid friendly but nurtures and promotes the healing and growth of our inner child.  Privacy and confidence in keeping the results that we have worked hard to achieve and not back tracking to the situations and trauma we have worked hard to escape.  Home based culture is finding a place where you feel safe and never sorry and being able to maintain that without the overbearing threat of losing everything you have fought to gain. 


Azension's Ivory Tower is our Facebook Group and, for us, serves as a place or atmosphere where we are happily and voluntarily cut off from the rest of the world in favor of our own pursuits, usually mental and esoteric ones.  

In our group, we connect and talk about issues that interest us the most in a private, secluded atmosphere free from judgment and overbearing social attitudes that we might face in the harsh world.


There are four esoteric paths, which are Plant Magic, Astrology, Tarot and Witchcraft.  I have begun adding material on these esoteric paths which will serve as introductory courses in these differing esoteric paths!  Once these paths are explored and learned an expert in esoterica can combine them for strong esoteric power!  


Emotional Intelligence is of upmost importance.  Studies have found that emotional intelligence is more important in determining, or predicting success than IQ.  The Ivory Tower at Azension has defined Emotional Intelligence as the ability to analyze our emotions without falling into an indistinguishable trap that feels like there's never an escape.  Citing the importance of mindfulness in our everyday emotional upsets and realizing mindfulness is what vitalizes us as a group to continue on our mission.  

I have added Spiritual Intelligence to this section because it is so important.  The Ivory Tower at Azension has defined Spiritual Intelligence to mean awareness of what we need, individually or collectively, spiritually that brings a sense of fulfillment.

The Flamingo is a symbol of emotional intelligence.  Spiritually, it stands for someone or something that is open-minded with a vibrant, fun, and expressive personality.  It means all things beautiful and bright and is associated with joy and happiness.